Grants Policy

If you are thinking of submitting an application for funding please take a few minutes to read the notes which follow:
  • Applications for small grants (all postal applications and requests for amounts under £5000) are considered on a monthly basis. Awards range from £250 to a maximum of £2000.
  • Trustees meet in May and November to award approximately twenty large grants at each meeting with an average value of £25,000 and an occasional maximum of £50,000. The deadline for applications is announced on the website prior to the next meeting of trustees.
  • The William Cadbury Charitable Trust supports charitable organisations based in the UK. If you are not registered with one of the UK Charity Regulators, or are not a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee, or are applying as an individual we will not be able to help.
  • UK bodies legally exempt from registration with the Charity Commission can apply and small grants are occasionally made to unregistered groups based in the West Midlands (who must nevertheless have a constitution, an elected committee and a bank account controlled by two or more committee members).
  • Successful applicants who are not registered with a UK Charity Regulator will be provided with a self certification form confirming they are tax resident in the UK ensuring compliance with the Common Reporting Standard introduced by HMRC in 2016.
  • Please review the Grant Programmes page to establish whether your project qualifies for our support. The West Midlands grant programme is sub divided into sectors which may overlap. Please select the sector which best fits your project.
  • Please ensure that your application is brief, concise and to the point.
  • Trustees will consider applications for core costs as well as for development / project funding.
  • Grant applications submitted on-line are preferred. Small grant applications are accepted by post but please note that we are no longer willing to consider applications via email.
  • If you wish to be considered for a large grant you must use the online application form.
  • Grants are normally awarded on a one-off basis and repeat applications are not usually considered within two years of an award.
  • We normally respond to appeals within six weeks of submission. If at that stage your appeal has been shortlisted for a large grant you may be asked to provide further information and Trustees may ask to visit certain shortlisted applicants.
  • Applicants selected from the shortlist for consideration at the next half yearly meeting will be notified in the month prior to the meeting.
  • Successful applicants are asked to provide a receipt upon payment of the grant and, for large grants, a report on the outcome of the project supported.

All applicants will receive a response from the trust whether or not their application has been successful.